Yoga in a heatwave!

Published: Jul 29, 2018 by Lucy Tennyson

As thunderstorms break out this weekend, it is hard to think of some of the lovely sessions we’ve been having outdoors just days ago. Pictured below is the final posture in this week’s class, half moon pose, beautifully demonstrated by my Wednesday class at St Ethelwolds. It is a demanding asana, and best done at the end of a yoga session, when you are warm and fully stretched.

The hot weather was a good opportunity to take time for some slower and deeper movements allowing us to really notice what happens inside the body.

It is all too easy to get obsessed by making the right shapes in a posture, rather than feeling your way into a movement from the inside, exploring what feels right for your body. Here’s a reminder of what we did this week, including a moon salutation.





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