What I love about Zoom

Published: Nov 8, 2020 by Lucy Tennyson

Zoom yoga has brought about some of the biggest changes in modern yoga practice. Back in March, I’d never heard of it, let alone imagine it would be my only way to carry on teaching. And rather than see it as a negative, I’ve realised it has potential to improve my yoga practice.  Even if you are a techno-phobe, I would encourage you to take advantage of the recent quantum leap in the potential of wi fi.

Looking at it practically, it’s only way we can continue to meet through the latest lockdown. But there are wider benefits – we don’t need to travel on cold winter evenings. We can save time and money, and so go to more classes. We can practise safely at home, usually at a time to suit us best, and take advantage of recordings to go over things again, or catch up on missed classes. 

I believe it’s important to keep class numbers low (up to 12) so that I can see you practising on your mats at home, and offer tips and advice. For you, a home practice helps turn your attention inwards, so you stay focussed, and think and feel more about what you are doing.

It works best if you can create a special space to step away from daily life – try adding a candle, having rugs and cushions handy for comfort, and creating some quiet time before you start. If you haven’t tried it before, just get in touch, and I can talk you through, and send you a free sample to try. 

Of course, I can’t wait for life to return to ‘normal’ and see you all in person again. However, I will continue to Zoom, as it is so complementary to live classes.


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